Garage Lip Lift

Lebanon, IN

Transition from driveway to garage was uneven and was causing a tripping hazard.

Concrete garage lip before lifting
Concrete garage lip after lifting

More Before and Afters

Cracked garage floor before repair
Cracked garage floor after repair

Garage Floor Repair

Westfield, IN

Customers garage floor was cracked in the middle and spreading.

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Previously Spotty Home Sealant Job Repaired in Carmel Indiana

Carmel, Indiana

After years of at home sealing this pool deck was streaking and in need of care. Our crew did an amazing job not only stabilizing it and removing trip hazards but also getting the previous sealant off that had left streaking due to uneven application.

Sunken front step before lifting and repair
Sunken front step after lifting and repair

Sunken Front Step Repair in Avon Indiana

Avon, IN

Raised and leveled a customer's front step in Avon, Indiana.

Need a repair? LevelUp is here to help.

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